Mikhtam's Praise/Worship Books
The Christian's worship, praise, and adoration of God transcend the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life. The call to worship, praise, and adoration is not only for religious ceremonies and for assemblies, but it also has to characterize the believer's lifestyle and existence. In the first book of this series, we will discuss the various dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper Appreciation of the believer’s call to worship is established.
The Perpetual Praise: Responding to the Call to Worship. The Christian’s worship, praise, and adoration of God transcends the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life. The call to worship, praise, and adoration is not only for religious ceremonies and for assemblies, but it also has to characterize the believer’s lifestyle and existence. In this second book of this series, we will discuss the various dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper understanding of the believer’s Responsibility to Worship is established.
Worship at His Footstool: Experiencing the Call to Worship. The Christian’s worship, praise, and adoration of God transcends the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life. The call to worship, praise, and adoration is not only for religious ceremonies and for assemblies, but it also has to characterize the believer’s lifestyle and existence. In this third book of this series, we will discuss more dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper understanding of the believer’s experience of worship is established.
Magnify the Lord: Understanding the Dynamics of Worship and Praise. The Christian’s worship transcends the gathering together in churches. It extends into everyday life; characterizing the believer's life and existence. Those who desire to enter into effective worship, and those who lead others in worship must embrace this truth. In this fourth book of this series, we will discuss the three important dimensions of worship. Through the examination of biblical and religious terminology, a proper understanding of the exhortation, “Magnify the Lord” is established.
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